Belle just got a sponsor! Find out how each horse sponsorship empowers the Ranch to do MORE for our herd.

We are pleased to share that Belle, with her big hair and even bigger personality, now has a sponsor! Longtime friend of the Ranch, Loren, wanted to partner with the ministry and decided that being a horse sponsor was one way to be a blessing.
Sponsors make a daily impact and enable the Ranch to more easily handle unexpected medical and care needs for our 11 horse herd.
Belle, along with fellow miniature horse Wendy, serves as a sight horse for fellow herd member, Cody. While she is not rideable, her small stature and fabulous hair are a favorite of Ranchers and visitors alike. She participates in groundwork activities and loves the special attention that comes with grooming sessions.
Belle also loves going on field trips and serves as one of the "horse representatives" for Wings of Hope. Last summer she received a special invitation to participate in a story time at the Virginia Center Chick-fil-A. During the visit, the book she inspired, "Big Belle", written by Jorge of Whitebird Appaloosa Horse Rescue, was read and guests were able to meet Belle and learn about Wings of Hope.
We are thankful to Loren for becoming a sponsor of Belle. The sponsorship covers the annual budgeted expenses for each horse which includes routine veterinary care, feed, hay, farrier visits and shavings.
Want to learn more? In this video, Sarah shares her experience as a horse sponsor.
We appreciate the love that Wings of Hope donors and volunteers give to the herd!
To make a one-time or recurring contribution for general horse care, select the "Sunshine Horse Fund" here.
If you are interested in sponsoring a horse, Wendy, Hope and Moses are looking for a special friend! Email us here to learn more.