Horses in Memoriam
Each horse that has called Wings of Hope Ranch home came with their own unique story. For some we might have been their fourth or fifth home. We don't know much of their personal history but what we do know is that we were in most cases their last option for a forever home.
What a blessing to have provided each of our herd members with their second chance story. When others saw no worth God allows their paths to cross ours and they blossomed and blessed so many.
If you feel called to donate to provide rescue horses with a forever home you can make a donation here.

2003 - 2025
Adopted March 2020
Moses is a beautiful, and TALL, bay Oldenburg gelding. His previous job was in Eventing (dressage, show jumping and cross country). After he sustained a suspensory injury and was no longer able to show, his owner donated him to a residential school for boys with challenges. While at that school, he re-injured himself because he was being used for cantering and jumping lessons. He would be limited in what he could do going forward after the second injury. The school did not have room for him to let him rest and heal and needed to find a home ASAP or he would be sent to auction.
The Powhatan Equine Rescue League (where we previously adopted Paxton) had rescued Moses from being sent to auction/potential slaughter and allowed him to rest and heal for 8 months. After the vet cleared him for light riding, PERL posted him on their Facebook page where we saw him, visited, and brought him home within a couple weeks. He settled into the herd well, is friendly to everyone (2 and 4 legged) and lets his big personality shine. We have seen him and Samson nibble each other in the withers and even saw Moses lick Paxton’s face as if to say, “Hello, friend!”. Moses has proven to be a great addition to the ministry program as he carries riders of all sizes calmly and securely during our sessions.
Moses was not originally named Moses, in fact his name was “Stewie”, a play on his registered Oldenburg name, “Catch 22”.
After a few months of getting to know him, we wanted to find a Bible name for him relating to a Bible character who found themselves in a “Catch 22” situation. The definition of a Catch 22 is “a dilemma or difficult circumstance from which there is no escape because of mutually conflicting or dependent conditions.” It’s been fun sharing Moses’ story with the children and using it as a teaching opportunity.
When Moses was leading the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt during the Exodus…(did you know that experts estimate that was about 2.4 MILLION people?) Moses found himself in a Catch 22…he had mountain ranges to the right and left, the Red Sea in front of him and the Egyptian army behind. All his choices were bad…Moses could lead the people back to Egypt to return to slavery, lead them into the mountains, that were essentially impassable so they would be sitting ducks for the Egyptian army, or go forward in to the Red Sea. The Israelites cried out to Moses and he replied “Do not be afraid, stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today, you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still.” (Exodus 14:13) Moses called on the Lord for help! The Lord answered “Tell the Israelites to move on! Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground.” (Exodus 14:15-16) Moses called on God to provide a new option, a great and mighty solution to his Catch 22 situation. Something that we, in our human minds could not comprehend or think of, like parting the Red Sea in front of them and walking through.
Moses was also in a Catch 22, no longer able to perform his job as a show and then lesson horse. He didn’t have any good options left. But GOD- who “works all things together for good for those that love Him and are called according to His purposes” (Romans 8:28) showed up and provided him the miraculous opportunity to become a ministry horse at the Ranch. The lesson we hope our Moses will remind us of daily is that we can always call on God and He will fight for us, provide for us, and provide great and mighty solutions to our problems that we could not perceive or imagine!
Moses' Bible verse is Jeremiah 33:3 “Call to Me and I will answer you. I’ll tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own.” You can read more about Moses' second chance here -

1997 - 2023
Adopted Spring 2014
Samson was a big horse with a n even bigger personality! Here he shared his own story:
I stand in my stall and am filled with gratitude for the roof over my head, the hay and grain that seems so plentiful and my fresh water. Different humans come and go here 7 days a week, every morning and every night to take care of my friends and I….I like them all! I especially like the little and medium size humans, referred to as “ranchers” here at Wings of Hope I turn on the charm when they come in the barn. I nod my head and pick up things with my mouth and make them giggle. I try to get them to pick me over the other horses to brush. It feels so good to get brushed. Sometimes I roll in the mud extra so it takes them a lot longer to get me cleaned up! If they only knew!
The ranchers are impressed with my size, strength, and markings. That is why they named me Samson! They named me after the big dude, Samson, you know, in the Bible. He had long hair and could take on a whole army with a little bone as a weapon or kill a lion like it was a walk in the park. I have long luxurious hair too! You should see my mane and tail! Samson is a good name for me all right! Some of the people that come to feed me and clean up use a big tool so that my mane goes flying everywhere. Some say I look like one of those Clydesdales…silly humans. I am a Missouri Fox Trotter, much more unique than a Clydesdale! The funny thing is, sometimes I hear the bigger humans telling the ranchers about me. Or sometimes they tell guests that are visiting the Ranch about me. I hear them whisper a lot. I can’t make out what they are saying but it is something about me being saved from being “put down”? I don’t know what that means, but I don’t like the sound of it. I guess that is why they are whispering about it. I came from a place where I had one human, not a whole bunch like here. I guess things got tough and she had to let me come here to live. While I miss her, I am glad to be here and am glad I didn’t find out what being “put down” means. I have a lot more living to do!
Well, I gotta get back to my job now, eating hay and making trouble around the ranch! Got to check that all the stall latches are clipped shut and if the feed room door is locked up tight. I also need to keep up my silly antics and let my ranchers brush me. I take good care of them. I only give the big humans a hard time, the ones that need to learn patience and confidence…those I nudge around a bit with my nose to make them react a little stronger, you know…”see what they are made of”. It’s fun being me. Thanks for reading my story and hope to see you at the ranch real soon!

1997 - 2023
Adopted October 2012
In October 2012, Wings of Hope Ranch had exhausted all local adoption opportunities for trained and ready to work rescue mares. In God’s perfect way, however, a group of volunteers and ranch friends attended the Virginia Equine Extravaganza in early November to watch one of our then-horses, Jewel, participate in the Rags to Riches contest. At the event, several rescued mares from Days End Farm Horse Rescue in Maryland were being showcased. One of our youngest friends, Abby, age 8 at the time and a rising horse enthusiast, noticed a beautiful dapple gray mare. She suggested that we take a look at this mare from Days End Farm to consider for adoption. At the end of the event, we made our way to their booth and inquired about seeing the mare. The young man asked us which mare, Ellen or Odell? A little confused, we expressed interest in both of them, which led us to a month long process of three trips to Maryland and a quest to determine which dapple gray mare would be most suitable for the Ranch.
Upon hearing the devastating story of these beautiful girls and watching the video of their rescue and desperate fight for life, our hearts were moved to the most tender places. The “choking older mare” is Faith, and her “sister” Hope was not much better off. After what they endured in their lives, how could we separate them? God always answers prayer. The trainer at Days End Farm recognized the bond between the Arabian mares, and our successful appeal for funds to adopt both of these horses, we were able to negotiate a “two for one” adoption fee for Ellen and Odell.
At our Deck the Stalls event in December, 2012 Ellen and Odell were officially renamed Faith (Born in 1995) and Hope (Born in 1997). “Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God.” Romans 5:1-2
Video of Hope and Faith's rescue -

1995 - 2023
Adopted October 2012
In October 2012, Wings of Hope Ranch had exhausted all local adoption opportunities for trained and ready to work rescue mares. In God’s perfect way, however, a group of volunteers and ranch friends attended the Virginia Equine Extravaganza in early November to watch one of our then-horses, Jewel, participate in the Rags to Riches contest. At the event, several rescued mares from Days End Farm Horse Rescue in Maryland were being showcased. One of our youngest friends, Abby, age 8 at the time and a rising horse enthusiast, noticed a beautiful dapple gray mare. She suggested that we take a look at this mare from Days End Farm to consider for adoption. At the end of the event, we made our way to their booth and inquired about seeing the mare. The young man asked us which mare, Ellen or Odell? A little confused, we expressed interest in both of them, which led us to a month long process of three trips to Maryland and a quest to determine which dapple gray mare would be most suitable for the Ranch.
Upon hearing the devastating story of these beautiful girls and watching the video of their rescue and desperate fight for life, our hearts were moved to the most tender places. The “choking older mare” is Faith, and her “sister” Hope was not much better off. After what they endured in their lives, how could we separate them? God always answers prayer. The trainer at Days End Farm recognized the bond between the Arabian mares, and our successful appeal for funds to adopt both of these horses, we were able to negotiate a “two for one” adoption fee for Ellen and Odell.
At our Deck the Stalls event in December, 2012 Ellen and Odell were officially renamed Faith (Born in 1995) and Hope (Born in 1997). “Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God.” Romans 5:1-2
Video of Hope and Faith's rescue -

2000 - 2023
Adopted 2016
Cody was a sweet little storybook pony that used to be a school and show pony until he lost is eyesight. He had the most gorgeous light green eyes, which may or may not have contributed to his blindness.
When we adopted Cody, we were in search of a new, sound pony to allow us to retire our lovable, safe, "go-to” pony Angel. Our friends at White Bird Appaloosa Rescue told us about this fella that ended up with them after his diagnosis. They found him to be fully rideable and certainly safe for lead line rides- exactly what we needed! We praise God for helping us find him and for giving him a second chance job after his life in service had been deemed “over”.
Cody had fans all over Virginia who are excited to see him embark on his new career. One specific person, Alison Fisher, “held his hoof” to make sure his transition to Wings of Hope was smooth.
Other fun facts about this guy, he is a Pintaloosa (paint /appaloosa cross). He is white except for delineated sections of Appaloosa spots. He gets along well with everyone, even Samson. He is a crowd favorite among our ranchers and volunteers, no surprise there!
Since all of our horses have or are given Bible names to mark their new positions, and Cody knows his name (had it his whole life), but it’s not technically in the Bible…. his full Wings of Hope name is Nicodemus, (Nic-CODY-mus) and his nick name is Cody. The story of Nicodemus can be found in John 3:1-18 and conveniently steers people directly to the salvation message shared in John 3:16. Amen!
In John, Chapter 3, the Jewish teacher Nicodemus asks Jesus how one receives eternal life. Jesus answers Nicodemus by saying,
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.”
— John 3: 16–18, NIV

1996 - 2023
Adopted 2008
About Angel - When she arrived at the Ranch, she was a scared, anxious little blonde-haired girl. You could tell by her big brown eyes that she wanted to trust, but just did not know how. At first, she would stand far from any of us at the barn, but very slowly she would edge over to be near us. You could see the need for love in her eyes and her hope to find a place where she could feel at home.
Several years prior, Angel had been a very active athlete, but because of a severe injury, she was permanently retired from riding due to an injury and put out to pasture.
Angel came to us with the name Angel, and we found that this name completely characterizes her personality. Because she had been well-trained previously, she regained her confidence quickly in her new home. Her distinct beauty and cute personality were a big draw to many ranchers.
When she first came, the Ranchers loved her obedience and softness to cues in the ring and didn't mind that she was not allowed to go much faster than a light trot due to her injuries. After she was retired from riding ranchers and adults alike loved working with her on the ground and brushing her.
When Honey was adopted Angel really took to her and they could be found together most days when in pasture. It was heartwarming to see the matriarch of the herd take the youngest under her wing.